Summer of 2025 SessionsSession 1: June 9- 13Session 2: July 16-20Session 3: June 23-27Session 4: June 30-July 3Session 5 : July 7-11Session 6: July 14-18Session 7: July 21-25Session 8: July 28-Aug. 1stCamper 1 First Name *Camper 1 Last NameCamper 2Camper 3 First NameCamper 3 Last NameAge/GradePhone NumberFirst Name *Last NameEmergency Contact NumberUser Email *Does the camper have any allergies, chronic illness, or medical conditions?YESNOIf yes, please describeEmergency Policy - I understand every effort will be made to contact the Parent/Guardian of Camper. If this is not possible, I authorize The Nature Camp of WP to obtain medical treatmentI agreeConsent and Release of Liability- I and my family hold The Nature Camp of Winter Park, & assigns, harmless if my child(ren) are injured, or become ill or suffer any other personal loss while involved in camp activities.I agreeThe Nature Camp of WP will work with you to switch Sessions if things come up. We have a 30 day refund policy. No refunds 30 days prior to start date. (June 3rd)Payment -- Cost per camper - $350Zelle - / 407-760-2197Venmo- @Catherine-GergleyPayment must be completed to hold spot.HTMLSubmitPlease do not fill in this field.